ProductCamp Toronto – A Success

Today, we held the first ProductCamp Toronto downtown at the Ted Rogers School of Business.

About 100 people showed up in the morning to listen and participate. Some of them came from as far away as Boston, New York and Philly.  If you couldn’t attend or want more information, here are a few links.

The list of sessions can be found here:

Some pictures from the day are up on Flickr: Here and here. There’s even a few pictures of me during my talk on Defining a Product Management Manifesto.  You may also find some pictures of Alan giving a talk on Win/Loss Analysis.

Here are a few pics from today demonstrating how to catch a basketball. 🙂

A number of Twitter users left some tweets on the day. Search for #pct1.

And of course, the Product Camp Toronto wiki is here.

Best line of the day — at least that I heard: “Product Management should suck the air from everything around it!

There’s already talk about a second ProductCamp Toronto sometime in the Spring, so stay tuned.

Thanks to all those who help organize and sponsor the event, as well as, of course, those who took the time out today to attend.


4 responses to “ProductCamp Toronto – A Success

  1. We finally have the answer to the question – “Do product management types talk with their hands?” Yes indeedy we do!
    Great seeing you all there!

  2. I was the photographer who took the pictures… I wanted to capture the energy in the air at ProductCamp, so I made a point of capturing speakers mid-flight. Interesting that all the most active pictures have the “basketball pose” – a hidden product manager characteristic perhaps?

  3. Pingback: Happy (belated) birthday to us (again)! « On Product Management

  4. Pingback: Announcing ProductCamp Toronto 2009 « On Product Management